Avi now writes for Driss-A-Blog
2001-11-06, 9:35 PM:

I hauled several family members to see Monsters Inc. on Sunday. The story, while not deep and profound like Toy Story 2, was quite funny and stood well by itself, while the rendering was amazing. You could see the weather-worn outside of the building and the individual hairs on Sulley. And they've gotten so good at doing facial emotions it's almost unreal.

Ezra hated it, but he's never been into movies where the premise is a weird idea that was developed. He hated Chicken Run ("They were chickens! Geez!") while I thought it was brilliant. I'm not sure what he likes. Action movies, perhaps.

Earlier that day I brought my parking meter in to Home Depot, and I got the pipes and wood to build a stand. I got to use the drill, nailed wood together, and got something reasonable. I think the pipe's about 6 inches too long, and probably should be tapered to fit in the parking meter, but for now it works. I brought it into work, and everyone was oohing and aahing over it. Some people put money into it just to see if it works. Funny. But today Victor came over and sat down in the chair without feeding the meter. I have to write him up a ticket.

I'm still kicking myself for not buying that stop sign when it was up for auction.

And I went to the doctor Monday morning to ask about the pains in my arms and hands. It used to be very sporadic, but now it's getting much more frequent. If it's carpal tunnel syndrome, it's very light, but he prescribed splints to wear while I type. Those and the ergonomic keyboard should (hopefully) help. Unfortunately, they don't make ergonomic laptop keyboards.

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