Avi now writes for Driss-A-Blog
2001-11-20, 6:47 PM:

I hate being sick.

Yesterday, I called in sick and slept until 10:30. I was groggy all day. Today I didn't feel so good, but I'd medicated myself so it wasn't so bad.

If I felt like kidding, I would say that I called in sick so I could play with my GameCube all day. That wouldn't be true, of course. Not for the lack of a GameCube, mind you, just the fact that I was just unable to concentrate for very long. Ari, Mike and me were at a computer show on Sunday trying to find some good deals. We didn't find much, but we got the network cards we were looking for and started home. Mike asked to drop by Best Buy so that he and Ari could get an EverQuest expansion pack. Well, it turned out that they had lots of GameCubes in stock, so I went home, got the gift cards that I got for my last birthday, and got a GameCube. And a memory card. And second controller. And game.

I got Luigi's Mansion. If you imagine a cross between The 7th Guest and Ghostbusters, you'd have it. You're Luigi, and you wander around inside a mansion solving puzzles and sucking up ghosts. It's nice to play, and has really gratuitous graphic effects (the first few games for any platform are like that) but it's not terribly compelling for me. After one day of playing I'm about a third of the way through.

Last week I gave myself a performance review. The whole company is moving towards a standardized review, and they said they needed a baseline, so everyone got to fill out a form on themselves. I couldn't get any answer as to what possible reason I would have for filling it out correctly.

For the multiple-choice part (ranked on a 1-5 scale) I just gave myself 4 across-the-board. Well, except for one question about subordinates that didn't really apply. The essay questions were a bit harder. Performance objective? "To develop telekenesis", to "take on projects at random with no warning and complete them". Development plans? MacHack, June. Hawaii, summer. And of course, the final essay, Employee Comments:

I am honored to be a part of such a great and noble company. I am glad that I have the opportunity to bring joy into other peoples' lives through the development of quality software. Thank you for this opportunity.

It isn't every day you get to put something into your personnel files...

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