Avi now writes for Driss-A-Blog
2001-10-31, 10:50 PM:

I didn't even realize it was Halloween today until I went to Hillel for lunch and saw all the grade-school girls there from the local girls' school all dressed up in costumes. I'd even looked at a headline in the Daily talking about Devil's Night being better than usual but not gotten it. But of all the people to be celebrating a pagan holiday, I was disappointed that the kids of a Jewish school were.

The one thing that I love about Halloween is the ability to pick up candy in bulk very cheaply during the few days afterwards. Chocolate... Mmmm...

And we got our dental insurance cards two days ago. When we were sold to MediaSpan, our new insurance kicked in on October 1. We were supposed to get our cards earlier, but they kept botching the printing. So when they finally came in I went and grabbed mine. It turned out to be a sheet of paper with the bottom half laminated, and two perforated cards. The only thing that was on the card was the company name and the group ID. You were to write your name on the card, punch it out, and fold it over. Sparing no expense, I see.

And the booklet that came with it describing the coverage is funny. Each time I see the heading "accidental non-chewing injury" I can't help but laugh.

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