Avi now writes for Driss-A-Blog
2001-10-28, 8:38 PM:

I went to Charles's party last night. As usual, I tried to be sociable, but as usual I didn't know anybody and got nowhere. Charles was telling me about his newest client, a local girl's Catholic parochial school.

"So, I'm talking to the woman running the website, Sister so-and-so, and I hung up the phone, and then this funny thought hit me. 'Catholic Schoolgirls Online!' Thank goodness this was after I'd hung up, otherwise I would have collapsed laughing during the call."

I got involved in a game, Brain-something, and helped our team crush the other team.

There's a rule of dating that I figured out awhile ago, but am only codifying now. My rule of dating number 3:

If I'm not dating you, I'm not taking you out.

This is for my own emotional sanity, if nothing else.

There's also a fourth dating rule:

No long-distance relationships.

This is mainly due to the fallout of the Chani relationship. I have enough trouble relating to people locally, and trying to do it over the telephone is unfair to both parties.

I've really been tempted to, though...

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