Avi now writes for Driss-A-Blog
2001-09-30, 2:17 AM:

I'm not going to write much about what happened on the eleventh. The sad thing is that it's almost numbing when I think about it because of all the bombings in Israel. What I was hoping was that it would help people realize the situation that Israel's in with terrorism. When Israel gets bombed, and says that it's essentially a war with the terrorists, the whole world complains about it. But if America is the victim of an attack and says that it's at war, then that's OK. In fact, because of the attack, America's asking Israel to start negotiating again. Is there something here that I'm not getting?

Work is going well. The attrition didn't really affect me that much mainly because I already had far too much on my plate. Right now I'm dealing with a recalcitrant FTP plugin. The FTP protocol is really sucking now because the LIST command returns human-readable results, which means an incredible amount of ad-hoc parsing to find out simple things like "is it a directory"?

I'm thinking of starting some X10 home automation work. The problem is that you need to have some need for that kind of stuff, and all I can think of for now are a few switches. I probably shouldn't let that stop me, since this is relatively cheap compared to the kind of stuff that I do, but I'm not yet sure how this is going to play out.

Tip of the day: Tires hate rocks. Or chunks of concrete, which is what took out my right rear tire last Tuesday. I brought it into the shop and got it back Friday. There was a lot of work that I was pushing off, so I had them do that too. So the Civic now has new tires, new front brakes, and a new muffler. The silver exhaust tip is a nice touch.

I seem to be chattering on about inane things.

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