Avi now writes for Driss-A-Blog
2001-10-21, 8:41 PM:

I'm getting to really hate CrushLink.

I got another email from them that I had a crush. I dropped by, typed in the secret word (that I knew from last time) and got informed that someone else crushed me, a person whose range of initials doesn't match anyone I know.

Whatever. I just went back to work.

Until they started flooding in. For every single fake email address that I'd given CrushLink, I got a "Somebody has a crush on you" email. Since there's no way that anyone could have listed those fakes as a crush, I have to conclude that CrushLink indeed is a scam, playing with people's emotions to have them sign up.

I feel used.

I've been trolling the Jewish dating sites lately. With the general population, there isn't much overlap in the memberships of the different sites. But with a much smaller population, there's a lot of overlap, and I'm finding that I'm correlating sightings of people. Even though they may have different user names, I'll realize that two profiles on different sites are the same person just by the description.

The lengths I'll go to to amuse myself.

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