Avi now writes for Driss-A-Blog
2001-08-20, 9:44 PM:

Well, today wasn't fun.

It started out as just bad. Kagi, who processes credit cards for my Newton shareware, wrote me to announce a new pricing structure that totally makes small shareware fees untenable. Since no one really buys shareware for a dead platform anyway, it's not that big of a deal. But it still sucks.

But I was working on scrollbars in Server when I got a small white envelope with congratulations. Our company just broke away from Harris, as we'd been planning to do for a long while now, and we just got informed via email in the morning. So I opened up the envelope, and there was a "welcome to the new company" letter and some information as to the transfer of power. Rick came by, looking not so happy. He was conscripted to re-take all the computer equipment that was assigned to people who didn't get a white envelope.

I started wandering aimlessly, and passed by the training room where there were lots of people gathered. They didn't seem so happy, and I learned later that they were told to come to a meeting where they were told they got some severance pay and no job.

Now, some attrition was expected, but nothing like the quarter of the company that was canned. Dave, my boss, was canned. As was Wally and Marina. Kenyon's likely to leave. Pete wasn't here today so I don't know about him, but it's disturbing. I left early because it's spooky hearing file cabinets open and close being emptied of their belongings.

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