Avi now writes for Driss-A-Blog
2001-07-05, 1:15 PM:

The jury's still out on the new incarnation of 105.1. The music is a rather eclectic mix, of which I'm not yet sure if I like. They keep on calling Detroit the "Magic City", which apparently I missed the memo on. Last I heard, the approved nicknames were "the Motor City", "Motown", and "Hockeytown". Also, during the intro to the song for the name-that-year segment, they said that "this song was number one in that year, on Magic 105.1". Now, they were trying to turn that into a station identification, but it sounded weird. They've only been on since Monday.

An update on an older entry. In regards to installing drag handlers, they are not called last to first, as I was informed. All drag handlers that are installed are called repeatedly. Since the only safe way to patch a dispatch trap is in 68K assembly, and I'm rather rusty in that, I moved to doing a TVector patch. It's some evil hackery that Quinn came up with, and it works much better.

I was talking with some coworkers the other day and the topic of age came up. Well, actually, I brought it up. We're having some heating problems, and Amy said that she prefers 70 degrees. In my quest to say something off-the-wall, I said that I prefer the '70s. But unfortunately, they ended three years after I was born. Both of the people I was talking with stared at me. Apparently they though I was much older--27 or so. Now, as much as I like to be ahead of my time, this is a bit weird. Do I really look 27? Is it the beard?

And we also talked about vacation. I have a ton of vacation time--at least two weeks if not more. If I want to take it, I should take it now while work isn't too active. But what can I do with it? Exotic locales are expensive to visit, plus I lose time flying. I've done a lot of local stuff, though. Plus, I don't like doing stuff alone, but I'm not sure how keen I am about doing more stuff with my family.

Right now the only vacation idea that looks good is to just stay in bed and sleep.

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