Avi now writes for Driss-A-Blog
2001-07-11, 11:01 PM:

I got the cats some new things last week. The package arrived Saturday. All the good stuff seems to arrive on Friday or Saturday.

The first thing I got them were nametags and collars. They used to have collars when they were little, but they grew out of them and we never got them new ones. Now that Sneakers keeps on escaping out the front door, I realized that we really needed to give her a name tag in case she wandered too far. The collars came with bells, and the cats are not happy at all. They started hissing at each other, as if it was each other's fault that I'd tagged them. They're slowly figuring it out.

The other thing that I got was a water fountain. It's one of the ones where the water keeps circulating through a filter and from a spout down onto a ramp. Sneakers and Pumpkin are drinking from it, but Tigger's still used to sinks. She'd jump up on the counter and drink from a dripping sink, getting her head all wet in the process. So with this new fountain, she's trying to drink the water as it falls, and ends up getting soaked too.

But she's a smart one. The collars are designed to hold up to a certain pull, but then break away so they don't choke the cat. Well, Tigger somehow got the strain to be that high and got her collar off. We put it back on, but we're wondering if she did that on purpose, and if she'll be doing it again.

I'm still pondering vacation. I really need to take some, but I'm not sure where. Mom says perhaps I can go to Israel in a singles mission of some sort. Perhaps--that's one of the more interesting options yet.

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