Avi now writes for Driss-A-Blog
2000-11-20, 12:29 PM:

It's snowing.

I looked out the window of the kitchen here at work, and it's coming down pretty well. It's been getting colder and colder, and there were some flurries earlier, but now it's definitely winter.

The bugs are long gone. When the landscaping people were here about a week ago to clean up the leaves, they took care of everything. Back to a pristine worksite.

I dug up the email from HR about the vacation times for this year. There was a line that said "3 floating Holidays to be used sometime around the holidays". So I asked about it. This year, Dec 25 and Jan 1 are both Mondays. So we get them off, and the office is closed between them. However, there are only three floating holidays, and four days (TWThF). From my HR person, I'm told that "another vacation day could be used". Could be used?

So the office is closed, but if you don't want to work you have to take a vacation day. On the other hand, I got a note that they could be flexible with me. But if I take the floating holidays at a different time, how am I supposed to work on the week of the 25th?


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