Avi now writes for Driss-A-Blog
2000-11-13, 12:21 AM:

I got a new calling plan. I signed up for a one-year contract (an "advantage agreement", heh), and now for $35/mo I get 250 anytime minutes and 1250 night/weekend minutes. The big question now is just, well, who do I call? It's not really like I used to use up my 300 minutes of my old plan. This was more of a preemptive setup for the future, when I have someone to talk to. A lot.

I got a 128 meg compact flash card for my digital camera. The CoolPix says that it can take 258 pictures, and probably it can take more, so now I'm ready for a trip. Likely going to be NY. Shira can find me someone (a married girl she knows, I'm sure) in New York to put me up, and then I can take as many pictures as I want without having to worry about hauling my PowerBook around. I have a whole bunch of people I want to catch up with in NY, and finally meet in person, and this would be a perfect time.

I was walking upstairs tonight, and Tigger was sitting at the top of the stairs in the classic cat repose (like the Sphinx). When she saw me, she rolled onto her side, paws out, and started purring loudly. As I sat down on the step to rub her belly, I almost cried. No matter that I trimmed her nails only a few hours before or that I often come close to stepping on her, she loves me. It definitely caught me off-guard, but the more I think about it, the more I realize how much I appreciate it.

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·   2002-12-16: A Unicode problem   ·   2002-12-15: Soul affliction   ·   2002-12-15: No power?   ·   2002-12-13: Camera's ready   ·   2002-12-12: Grr...   �