Avi now writes for Driss-A-Blog
2000-11-30, 11:09 AM:

The "holiday season" is upon us.

I know this because on Tuesday night on my way home from a shiur, I heard Sandler's "Chanukah Song". 'Tis the season to start hopping from one radio station to another trying to avoid (usually in vain) the Christmas songs. It's not quite time to dig up CDs to play, but it's getting closer. At least 104.3 plays a Christmas intro before "holiday songs" so I know to turn away.

I'm off to NYC for Dec 18-25. I have my non-refundable, non-transferable tickets, so I'm going. I'm still working on getting somewhere to stay. The in-laws of my rabbi's son can't host me, so Shira's looking for someone else that she knows. I'm leaving my PowerBook at home (eek!) but I'll be fine. I have my Newton, onto which I loaded the subway map, and my camera with the card, so I can take lots of pictures.

I'm also excited that I can finally meet some of the people that I chat with all the time. I've always been a bit disappointed to find out that someone that I just met that was interesting was from NY rather than being local. It'll be good to see them.

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