Avi now writes for Driss-A-Blog
2000-10-31, 2:33 PM:

There's nothing like waking up to find your car egged.

Some idiot apparently threw an egg at my car. It and the brown van, which were parked out on the street last night. Egg slime got all over the driver's side mirror, which made driving to work today a bit harder. When I got to Baseview, I dug a bucket out of the janitor's closet, and washed down the mirror with warm water. It didn't help too much, so after lunch, I went out with a bottle of 409 and paper towels. 409 doesn't really cut through raw egg very well, but it got enough of it off so that the car's drivable again.

Fer crying out loud! If I'm going to be egged, at least have it be by someone who has a clue what they're doing. I wouldn't be surprised if it was some kid who stole eggs from his mom's refrigerator. C'mon. One egg? That's it? If you have only one egg, throwing it against the car isn't what you do with it.

Pet peeve of the day: eBay. Getting sniped. In the second auction in a row, I got sniped. And with closing times of 11 pm California time, I can't be up at 1 am to watch the close. Plus, when you're outbid two seconds from closing time, what are you supposed to do?

I've given up. I got my sniper tool, and I'm going to start sniping myself. It's rather sad that the optimal eBay strategy is sniping, but since it is, I don't have much of a choice.

I've got one last auction in which I have a normal bid, and a few Nintendo items which I have on snipe. In particular, the Majora's Mask game and an expansion pack.

And no word yet from Mrs. R. I'll call her tonight to see what's going on.

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