Avi now writes for Driss-A-Blog
2000-10-29, 8:14 PM:

On Tuesday, I was talking to Mom at breakfast, and she mentioned that Mrs. R wanted to talk to me. Mrs. R's the older lady who I talked to at the Silberberg wedding, who works on matching up people. Mom told me to call her, but not that night, as she would be busy. So Wednesday night I called up Elisa to get Mrs. R's number (I didn't have it). I kept on getting Elisa's answering machine, so I couldn't call.

Thursday morning, Mom remembered that Mrs. R said that she was the only R in the WOL book (Womens' Orthodox League). So I got the number, and I planned to call after Hillel, before I left for Buffington and Associates for the Michigan Apple Media Arts SIG. So, after I davened, I sat in my car and called up Mrs. R. We talked a bit, and I started to describe myself to her to fill out her form. Or tried to, anyway. It wasn't so hard at the beginning, but later on, questions like "describe yourself" and "describe the person you're looking for" get difficult to answer. I tried the best I could, but I'm just a bit worried that I was too vague.

The meeting at which I was presented was today. I haven't heard a word from Mrs. R yet. I don't know how this works, so I'm waiting...

And last night was the Bar Mitzvah party of Michael S. My, he's grown since I used to babysit him. The party was held at Fusion, and we got there in the middle of his candle-lighting ceremony, about ten minutes before he called our family up for one of the candles (the friendly-families candle). There was a bit of confusion about the food. We were under the impression that there were some special kosher meals ordered. Turns out that they were just vegetarian. Sigh.

Ezra was muttering, trying to figure out what to do at the party. He couldn't eat nor could he dance (most certainly not with those girls, especially with what they were wearing). So he just stood around. I wasn't much into dancing myself. I can, sometimes, but it just wasn't my party.

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