Avi now writes for Driss-A-Blog
2000-10-18, 10:06 AM:

Monday, I went to a pro-Israel rally, a "solidarity gathering" at Beth Israel. I was a bit suspicious. I got there a bit late and everyone was inside. There was a guy outside the doors, handing out slips of paper about a Peace Now rally to be held on the diag. I laughed. Not in his face, but I'm sure he heard me.

There were several speakers. The more right-wing, Orthodox ones were first. They were pretty good. I left before the guy started talking about "sukkat shalom" along with a whole bunch of other students. The lack of knowledge or denial of history is really appalling, and just makes me sick.

The next day, the Michigan Daily had an article on the meeting. It was continued from the first page, and the continuation box on page 7 resumed the article near the end, cutting out most of it. It quoted people who I don't believe attended. Those idiots at the Daily do it again.

Last night, I was looking through my mailbox, and I found an invitation to a Federation/YAD event. Now, those are mostly harmless, and I often go to them. So, I open it up.

"The Couples Committee of the Jewish Federation Young Adult Division proudly presents our first Barn Dance & Hay Ride

"Bring a date, dance partner, friend, or spouse"

Really? I've heard of singles events, yes, but a couples event? Is this outreach of some kind? I guess I don't really understand. On the back of the card is the Host Committee, and every single line lists a pair of people.

I guess I'm not going to this one. Wow, this makes me feel so good...

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