Avi now writes for Driss-A-Blog
2000-10-12, 8:24 PM:

Well, the bugs were gone on Friday. I go outside today, and there they are. More dead bugs. Eventually they have to stop dying, right?

Yesterday, on the way to Hillel for davening, I saw some Hebrew scrawled on the rock at Washington and Hill. So, after, I went to the rock. It said, "Achshav at ma'aminah li she'ani ohev otach?" ("Now you [singular feminine] understand me that I love you?") In pretty good script. It's been bugging me. Is it due to what's happening in Israel? I'd say so, but then the gender of the noun isn't quite right. Maybe it was just some guy showing off to his girl.

Either way, it was gone by this afternoon.

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