Avi now writes for Driss-A-Blog
2000-10-03, 9:21 PM:

Progress at work. Working on Stylesheet Admin, I've got it talking to the server, logging in, getting the current stylesheets and displaying the main dialog to the user. Now, I'm writing the code to generate the stylesheet records to upload to the server. Going well. It's about time that I got to work on something where if I have a problem I can just go down the hall to talk to Greg or Pete or Wally and get an answer. The InDesign stuff is quite vanilla, and that's good. I'm tired of having to fight InDesign and Adobe to get the answers that I need. I'm tired of working on projects with vague functional specs. So I'm happy.

Today I passed a police car on M-14. Cruising along at 85 or so, I slow down for a pocket, and notice the cop car on the right as I pass it. Nothing happened.

Quote from the last Shabbos dinner:

Shira: "And when you're ready to get married, you'll get married."

Me: "See, the difference is that in your circle, you decide to get married, you find the girl, and you get married. As for me, I'm more of a find the girl, decide to get married, and get married kind of guy."

Broke the fast with Netanya, Dalia, and the rest of the O-minyan gang. Had a good time. I'm trying to figure out how to keep in touch. I need to eat at the Hillel more often.

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