Avi now writes for Driss-A-Blog
2000-09-11, 9:40 PM:

Cousin Miriam got engaged to Brian Halprin. Yay!

The weekend wasn't much. Shabbos was the usual quiet thing. After, we went back to Mike's house to play FFVIII. It's very good so far. We played until past midnight. Wow. I like it. Too bad I don't have a PlayStation.

Today, I went to the AMI meeting. David (who I'd known from last year eating at Hillel) was there, and quite a crowd turned out. A lot of freshman. Wow. We started the meeting by going around the circle, introducing ourselves. The usual. I did my usual shtick about not believing in classes/school any more.

I didn't really sign up for anything past the general interest list. They have a monthly movie, which I'll probably go to. They have weekly Hebrew chats, which I have to see if I can attend. And they have a yearly Rabin vigil. I don't think I'll be attending.

One of those ordinary meetings. Nothing amazingly big, ending a terribly rainy day.

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