Avi now writes for Driss-A-Blog
2000-09-07, 10:27 PM:

Yay! My car hit 30,000 miles today. Daily driving to Ann Arbor will do that. But I'm buying, not leasing, so I'm fine.

Tonight was an open house at the UofM Hillel. The idea is that lots of the Jewish student groups put up tables in a big room, and all the Jewish students come and meet and sign up. It started at 8, but I got there at 7:30, early enough to get a parking spot.

There were some people there I knew from earlier, but mostly I played the role of the weird-guy-who-doesn't-quite-fit-in-and-wanders-around-the-room. I'm horrible at talking to people I don't know, and at times like this I feel it acutely.

So I walked around the room and signed up for three groups: the Orthodox Minyan, the Graduates And Professionals group, and the American Movement for Israel. AMI seems to be people watching Israeli movies, so that's cool.

At times like this, I'm hoping to meet people in those groups instead of a large place like tonight. I find myself saying that a lot. Hopefully this time it'll be true.

I also signed up for kosher meals at the Hillel kitchen. Finally, some variety in food. That was also something that, last year, I'd hoped would help me meet people. It did, a bit, but not really.

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