Avi now writes for Driss-A-Blog
2000-09-06, 9:10 PM:

Ah, yes. I forgot to mention something yesterday. We were talking about getting me married, and my mom asked what I thought about Malka. Not to marry, of course, she's too young, but as a type. I don't know--she looks nice enough, but I don't know her well enough to say something like that. That led to the second of my Dating Rules.

"Dating Rules" is a bit of a misnomer. They're not guidelines how to date, just rules specifying who I will date. That comment by my mom caused the creation of the Second Dating Rule:

I will not date anyone I ever baby-sat.

That's not much of a rule, as it doesn't really rule out many people. Much more useful is the First Rule. That one came about when our family was in Chicago, meeting with relatives to talk about our family tree (my father's research project). One relative was going over people, and she mentioned some girl who is probably not related at all.

I will not date anyone on my family tree, no matter how un-related we are.

There, I got that off my chest. I'm sorry, I'm already my own fourth cousin; I don't need to make it worse.

Today I installed my new 30 gig hard drive for the PowerBook. They don't make 'em bigger than that in a notebook-size form factor. This is to get ready for Mac OS X. I can't wait.

In the meanwhile, this means that I can start ripping my CDs. I couldn't do that before because the stock 8 gig hard drive that came with my PowerBook had a bug in the firmware, causing it to become corrupt when you did digital audio extraction from the CD. Now I get to catch up.

And I've got to put this in while I still have the paper. I went bowling on Saturday night, and I got over 120. I'm still in shock, since I'm appallingly bad at bowling and other sport-like things in general. Lemme put this in:

9 (9 -), 15 (3 3), 23 (3 5), 30 (- 7), 35 (5 -), 52 (- /), 59 (7 -), 79 (9 /), 104 (X), 121 (X 5 2)

Wow. I hope I can do that again.

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