Avi now writes for Driss-A-Blog
2002-11-24, 11:49 PM:

Another girl's profile. Reasonably cute, but:

What does being Jewish mean in your life?

can't smoke weed friday night; have to stick to beer

Surely she's joking, but that's a bit of a turnoff.

And I'm sorely disappointed that people can't proofread anymore. Saw an ad today. What's she looking for? Someone who's her "compliment". Grr.

A web toy I played with a few years ago cranked out this sentence for a personals ad: "If you are a energetic female who talks in complex sentences, I want to meet you." <sigh> That's sooo me. Where has all the grammar gone? Long time passing.

2002-11-24, 10:22 PM:

Since the day I moved into my house, my bathroom sink's been dripping. Oy, it's driving me crazy. Last night I realized how the top screws on, so today I took my wrench, took the top off, and tried to figure out how to change the washers.

No washers. I took the whole conglomeration of plastic pieces over to the hardware store, where the guy took a hex wrench, took the top off, showed me how the plastic pieces were a complete assembly, and handed me a replacement cartridge. Ten bucks. Plus fifty cents for the wrench. Ten bucks. Geez. Two freaking orders of magnitude more expensive than a washer.

I go home to try to figure out how to put this whole thing back together. It actually doesn't take too much effort. The hole is cylindrical, and the cartridge has a tab sticking out that fits into a slot in the faucet. So I shove the cartridge in, screw the retaining ring on, and turn on the shut-off valves. Doesn't work. I can turn the water on, but when I push the handle back down, the water keeps flowing. Put the old cartridge back in, it works. New cartridge, nope.

Screw it. So I put the old cartridge back in. Now I can shut off the water, but trying to turn the water on full blast just ends up giving me a trickle.

I'm getting tired of this sink. The water comes out back and to the right. It's not the aerator--the socket that the aerator screws into is itself pointing the wrong direction. I think it's time for a new faucet.

Yeah, I've done that before. And I learned my lesson:

Never screw metal nuts onto a plastic pipe. They tend to cut their own threads.

2002-11-24, 8:42 PM:

Whoo-ah! Nothin' beats the Sunday-Night-alone-watching-Office-Space blues like grilling burgers. So I'm flipping those puppies over and over, since I've gotta burn off all that E. Coli juice that they got when they defrosted when our fridge stopped working. I flip two particularly greasy burgers, and the grill explodes into flame. Damn! I totally didn't remember what you are supposed to do. So I went with instinct. I flipped the burgers to the lower grill (not in flames), and started blowing the flames out. Kept blowing. And they went out.

Eh, it worked. Is that not what you're supposed to do?

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