Avi now writes for Driss-A-Blog
2001-07-18, 11:12 PM:

Tigger is being her usual troublemaker. Last week I got her a collar and tag. The collar is a safety collar--it holds tight up to a certain stress level, and then gives to prevent the cat from choking. Well, Tigger is somehow getting it caught somewhere and forcing it to open, letting her wander without her bell. So last night, after she'd gotten out of her collar twice, we safety-pinned the collar together. Now I know it'll stay on; I'm just concerned now about her if she tries to get it off again.

And I gave up. Monday night I went on a Gibson binge and bought almost all of the Gibson books at Barnes and Noble. Paper is a lot easier than reading from the screen. Primarily, it's the ability to read it lying in bed from midnight to 1 AM which I find I use the most.

Time for a haiku:

Sitting quietly
I focus on block structure
Waiting to compile

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