Avi now writes for Driss-A-Blog
2001-04-30, 10:53 PM:

Hey, two days in a row! I'm getting to be a veritable Doogie Howser. At least I'm not typing up profound life lessons learned after half an hour.

I am so bummed. After all I went through with the jellybean jar, it broke on the way to work. I had it in a bag with my Tartars mug, and apparently they got in a fight. So now I have to get myself another jellybean jar and tovel it. Ugh.

And I need to do laundry too.

I found out why my InDesign plug-in was crashing on my product manager's Mac, but not mine. Once it started crashing on mine, of course. Turns out that, starting with CarbonLib 1.3, CarbonLib patches out DragDispatch. Before, DragDispatch was 68K, and the 68K patch that I was patching it with worked fine. But now it's a PowerPC dispatch, and there's a problem somewhere in my patch code that does it wrong for PPC traps. The thing is that I didn't write the patch code--it was automatically generated by Paul Baxter's PatchMaker. So I'll have to trace through it to see why it's not working.

On the other hand, I can try to take out the patch. As the people who went to MacHack last year reminded me, you can have more than one drag handler on a window, and the last one installed is the one that is called first. So, supposedly, if I can ensure that they install their handler first, then I'm all set. That is undefined behavior, though, and I'd prefer not to rely on it. OTOH, I would like to get rid of the nasty trap-patching hackery.

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