Avi now writes for Driss-A-Blog
2002-04-17, 6:13 PM:

I have a small Mac app called "Jewish Calendar" that I inherited from a guy named Frank Yellin. He wrote it, and I carbonized it and have been occasionally adding new features from time to time. Yesterday, I finished up some modifications, and posted version 2.1.2 to my site.

Feedback on VersionTracker is mostly positive, with a few people here and there complaining. I can deal with complaints. But today a reviewer named "PeLa" gave it a one star rating. Fine. But the note?

"What the hell is that? Do they already post jewish stuff here? Don�t give any support to them anymore! Hopefully it is done soon!"

Huh? I'd be able to give a better reaction if I could understand what in the world PeLa was trying to say. It doesn't sound very nice. I'm not certain, but the low ranking sways me to that view.

I think this is the first incident where I've been directly targeted with an anti-Jewish comment. Makes me feel positively special.

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