Avi now writes for Driss-A-Blog
2001-12-24, 11:44 PM:

Another holiday season. For the past week, there's been so much Christmas music on the radio that I was surprised that mistletoe wasn't coming out of my speakers. Today it just got unbearable--nearly every single song was a Christmas song. How do you spell relief? i-P-o-d.

Work's going pretty well. A while ago I bought a parking meter online, and I mounted it and brought it in to work. It's working pretty well in a decorative sense, and people seem compelled to put money into it.

I've got from tomorrow to January 2nd off from work. I know what I'm doing tomorrow--fasting. But as for the other days, I want to have something to do so I don't feel guilty wasting the little vacation time I get.

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